Sunday, May 16, 2010

I've learned over the years to let people be and make their own mistakes unless it is something reckless or directly effects myself or my family.  This leads me into my 2nd soapbox for the month.  I'm apologizing in advance for ranting and raving.  It's something I don't often like to do.


yesterday on my way to the boxing gym driving down Tropicana one of the more busy streets in Vegas, I spot a beat up black and white minivan going about 15 miles per hour slower than the speed limit and traffic. Of course it drew my attention so I watched.  Mind you I had the girls in the car with me because Dom was meeting us at the gym for a hand off.  As I watched this car drive down the road it became clear she was totally out of it.  Maybe on drugs but most likely DRUNK out of her mind.  She swerved from lane to lane and cars who needed to pass waited until she was in a lane then sped by.  I also did the same making sure she didn't end up in my lane behind me in case she didn't stop.  I wasn't looking to be sore the next day from being rear ended.  As I passed, I noticed she wasn't distracted driving by texting or talking on the phone....she had to have been DRUNK.    We pulled up to a stop light and I watched in my rear view mirror as she skidded to a stop nearly rear ending the SUV in the lane next to me.  It was at that point I noticed the young girl sitting in the passenger seat.  My blood was boiling.  So many questions flooded my mind...

What in GOD's name makes her think she's okay to be driving?
Why is she so drunk at 11 a.m on a weekday?
Why is this child not in school?

Mind you, I live in Vegas and see more crazy sh*t than I care too.  I've also seen plenty of drunk drivers in my near 10yrs of living here.  Very few this bad.  It was just a matter of time until someone got hurt.

At that point, I got on the phone and dialed the non emergency #311 to report her.  The light then turned green and as I watched in my rear view mirror while on the phone with police (yes I know not probably the safest thing for me to do)  I heard a loud bang sound and watched her drive up on the curb blowing out her tire.  Long story short...the police got her.  THANK GOD she didn't kill anyone in the process.

And again...
today as my husband and I were driving on our way to take the girls to a parade, there was an SUV with a child of about the age of 5 give or take.  He was sitting in the back seat between two car seats clearly not belted in because he was leaning too far forward over the front seat to be.  Apparently these parents haven't lived in Vegas long enough to see the devastation that occurs on the freeways here....IDIOTS!!!!

My rant...
I never could understand how some parents would choose to put themselves before there kids.  When you have some other being DEPENDING on you it leaves no room to be selfish.  They depend on you to make the right choice, the smart choice.  Parenting is a privilege.  A privilege that a lot of people take for granted or don't take seriously.  Maybe not seriously enough.  I'm not talking about  mistakes.  All of us as parents make them.  I'm talking more about the choice.   Like the choice to drink and drive with your kids in the car?  And at what point does it make it okay if you were to do so?  After one drink or two?  Maybe four?  How about NEVER!!!!!!   How about we slam 4 drinks and get in the car with our kids not buckled!!!   I know people that unless they adopt will never have the ability to parent themselves yet so many who do take one of GOD'S greatest gifts for granted.  It just makes me sick.

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