Friday, December 17, 2010

Final Results are in.....

12 weeks and 20lbs later (more like 23 now and still dropping)  Here it is:

  before                                                after

I kind of can't believe I'm sharing this but I figure it's already out there for the world to see so why not share it on my personal blog.  I also still can't believe how well and how fast I saw results.  AMAZING!!  Another reason for sharing.  If I can do it, you can do it.  You just HAVE to do it.  It's been so much fun shopping in my own closet.  Wearing all my fabulous designer jeans that I haven't been able to fit in for 3 years....Ahhhh!!  Frankie B, I have missed you dearly.  Come Spring I'll have a whole new wardrobe without spending a dime.

So...check out the link below and feel free to browse around.  Pics of me are EVERYWHERE...Yikers! 

If you live in Las Vegas and are looking for your own personal trainer I highly recommend Jax.  See website and read my testimonial for all the reason why I you also should hire Jax.