Thursday, November 5, 2009

As I sit here messing around with my blog trying to figure out how exactly to work this site making a more creative and pretty looking blog page, I am overcome with an extreme sense of gratitude. Watching Kadence play in the living room, feeling Zoe kick away inside my tummy, waiting for my honey to come home and listening to the two best dogs in the world snore at my feet are just a few of the reasons why I am so grateful. I feel blessed that Dominic has been able to provide for us in a way that allows me to stay home with our daughter. I could NEVER thank him enough. Sometimes it's easy to get distracted with doing other things. An adult can only sing their ABC's, watch Elmo or play with baby dolls so much in a day. It's my promise to my husband, myself and our daughter's not to take for granted what I've been given or this opportunity to spend every waking hour of the day with them. Thank you God for this wonderful life you have given me!!

Now...I could only be more grateful if I could figure out what to make for dinner!

1 comment:

  1. Very nicely put Ashley!! You are a wonderful mother & person! I am privelaged & thankful to be your friend!! luv u guys!
