Saturday, October 9, 2010

Welcome to our land of make believe....

"Limitations live only in our minds.  But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless." ~ Jamie Paolinetti

Did you know we have a pink pet bunny?
every night we kiss it good night and it sleeps on a pillow next to Kady on her bed.

Guess what other animals we have spotted in the house?
bear, bats, bunny, cat, lizard,  mouse, snake.  I'm sure I have missed a few.

Any idea who lives in the bath tub?
a mouse.  He doesn't have a name yet although we knock on his door and talk to him every time we bathe.

What's the one thing Kady loses the most?
 the car keys, to her pink princess car. never came with any.


Dear Kady,

     Words can never express how grateful I am to call you mine and how very VERY much your daddy and  I love you.  Sometimes it's hard to imagine what life was like before you.  You are SO smart and entertaining.  You are persistent and stubborn.  You are polite, sweet, caring, passionate and giving.  I hope you never lose your inner child for it is one to be cherished forever.  I will remember it always.  The way you amaze me.  Make me laugh and smile and keep me on my toes.  You are my greatest challenge and my greatest joy.  I couldn't be more proud.   I look forward to a lifetime of FUN with you.

Always and Forever
love, love, love,


"Grown-ups never understand anything for themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them.~Saint-Exupéry

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