Wednesday, December 8, 2010

This past Sunday, December 5th was my Rock N' Roll 1/2 Marathon.  I'm still hurting in case you were wondering!  I felt like it was a "bad" day running wise for me.  Side ache, numb foot, tensed shoulders, however it must not have been since I ran farther and faster than I'd ever ran before...yeah me!!  My one goal was to finish all 13.1 miles under 2:00:00 hours.  You'll never believe what my time was......


Can you believe it??  I BARELY made it  :)

The problem now is wanting to do another to set a personal record.  There is always room for improvement I'm just not sure my body is cut out for running.

At least I'm able to check this off my bucket list.

CONGRATS to all my girls who ran and finished with me!!  It was fun...kind of. Ha!


  1. Great Job Ashley! I totally knew you would ROCK IT! You need to give me some pointers when I run Bloomsday the first time next year. Ack!

  2. Maybe I'll come run it with you :) Let me know when it is...I'm SO out of the loop!

  3. May 1st but gee wiz give me a break you marathon girl. I will be in the dust with a shit eatin grin on my face. LOL!
