Thursday, May 6, 2010

I find myself more and more pondering the thought of moving home, back to Spokane, Washington where I grew up.  I left eleven years ago and vowed to never move back.  Not because I didn't like it there or the people, but because I grew up there and like most young adults felt the need to flock the nest and explore the world.  I'd been there, done that.  There are many places I would still like to see, live.  Yet my thoughts continue to return home.  I think the fact that I now have two babies has a lot to do with it.  Things would be much simpler having family near by.  My girls would grow up side by side with their cousins as my siblings begin and continue to have more children.  Slumber parties with grandma would mean an evening alone for the hubby and I.  The choice of who's family to visit this year would no longer exist.  We'd never have to wonder if were spending the holidays alone.  I long to get back to my hobbies...snow skiing in the winter, water skiing in the summer, fly fishing with my dad on the weekends, having lunch with my mom on any random weekday.  The list is endless.  How divine to live somewhere where you know your neighbors and people actually wave as they walk by.  That's something that doesn't exist here in Las Vegas.

This October, I'll have lived in Las Vegas for ten years.  Whoa!  That's about eight years longer than I ever expected.  Being here so long has allowed us to establish roots.  We have many friends here that have become  family.  How hard it will be to leave them wherever we decide to relocate, whenever that may be.  I'm fond of the location of the  this city. 5hrs to Pheonix or San Diego, 4hrs to LA, 7hrs to Salt Lake.  Believe it or not there is a lot of outdoor activities surrounding Las Vegas which we love.  The sun shines almost all year round, although the wind I could do with out and the 112* temps in mid July.  I'll miss the convenience of 24hrs.  Not so much the strip, but that steak you can get any time of day.  Let's face it, we'll never be able to come back to Vegas and experience it for what it is.  Not that I'm complaining about that.

These are a few of the thoughts that cross my mind everyday.  These thoughts make me miss family even more yet appreciate the time I do get to spend with them when they are here.  Hopefully one day it will be clear as to what our next step is.  What I do know for sure, is that we won't be here forever.

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