Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Kady Update

Just in case you were wondering my thought process now days on the whole liquid diet thing, I'm gonna share.

Plan A)
I decided I would try and wean her into the formula again.  That hasn't worked a bit.  I HONESTLY tried...seriously.  Tomorrow I will pick up samples of a different brand of "special" formula and some flavor packets from the doctor and give those a try over the next few weeks.

In case plan A doesn't work, which I'm less than confident it will...

Plan B)
Call Kady's doctor and request to put her on the meds.  I believe it's some type of steroid and by no means is a permanent solution, nor do I/we want it to be.  In 4 months I will try the liquid diet again allowing at least 4-6 weeks for her to be on it before re-introducing solid food into her diet.  In approximately 5 months (from now) when I begin introducing solid foods into Zoe's diet, hopefully Kadence will have fulfilled the 4-6week minimum liquid diet requirement and I can introduce foods to them simultaneously.  I'm hoping I can make a fun game out of it for Kady or maybe she'll see that Zoe only drinks and eats the same foods she does and will want to mimic her...GOD willing.

In case plan B doesn't work...

Plan C)
Keep Kady on the meds until she's 3 (one year from now) and reevaluate the situation.  Maybe, hopefully, possibly she'll have grown out of it (I'm less than optimistic) and if not, we can try the liquid diet again at that point.  Maybe they'll have figured out a better way to get the answer's they need given Eosinophilic Esophagitis has only been diagnosed for the past 10yrs which is not long when speaking medically.

Plan D)
Somewhere in the midst of plans A, B and C, I'll be researching holistic doctors and naturopath's here in Vegas to take Kadence to.  It's worth a shot right? this point, I'll take her to a psychic. What's the worst that could happen?  Okay...maybe that's grasping too much for straws at this point.  No psychic, FOR NOW!

Sorry to sound like such a bummer these days on this subject.  I'm usually not such a pessimist.  I guess my frustrations are getting the best of me.  AGAIN...I'm up for any advice, thoughts, opinions, etc....  If you've got them, please share.


  1. I say ask the dr for the enzymes that they give cf people and see if that helps.

  2. enzymes would just help with digesting though right?? I think we'd still be here because of the allergy issues. Or I should ask what all the enzymes do exactly?
