Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Kady Update

Well, well, well....BRING IT ON!!!

This update is off the beaten track for now.  Believe it or not we have something NEW to talk about aside from Eosinophilc Esophagitus, Colitis, reflux, diarrhea, liquid diets, Celiacs, Colonoscopy's, Endoscopy's and what not...HA!!  Poor sweet Kadence has been sick.  A little cold nothing horrible.  Just enough to make her and mom cranky and agitated.  Ir started off with a little runny nose.  It's now been 10days (nothing exciting) and has been joined with a cough.  A pretty nasty cough.  Being Asthmatic myself, I could tell she was having some labored breathing and wheezing.  Again, nothing too exciting.  Fearing she may have Bronchitis or something and be contagious, I took her to the doctor, on Monday.  He informs me she does NOT have bronchitis, may have had a slight cold but it sounds like Asthma....REALLY?!?!  Frankly, I'm not sold nor is Dom.  They actually won't classify her as having Asthma until this problem becomes recurrent and breathing treatments prove successful.  SO....we are now the proud new owners of an Inspiration Elite Compressor Nebulizer System...OH yeah baby!!!  Whatever, insurance paid for it and that's great and what not.  But, have you ever really tried to make a 2yr old sit and breathe mist out of a nose mask thingy for 10 minutes at a time, 3-4 times a day?  A 2yr old that would rather be sucking her thumb mind you.  Not easy!!!

Tomorrow we have a follow up to see where her oxygen levels are at and if the breathing treatments have been helping.   I'm sure her oxygen levels will be elevated but not so sure the breathing treatments are really working.  Not yet at least.  I definitely have more questions for the doctor and am looking forward to hearing his answers.  DON'T BE CONFUSED....she has not yet been diagnosed with having Asthma but we are treating it as if she may.  Only time will tell if she does or not.  As for now...why not add another unanswered question to the ever growing list of POSSIBLE problems Kadence may have.  So annoying.  I'm beginning to lose faith in doctors.  I really need to get on finding a Holistic Doc.

GOD BLESS this kid, I wouldn't want to have her any other way than EXACTLY the way she is...

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